Monday, May 4, 2009

What's new with Amelia at 11 months...

I am so sorry to keep many of you waiting on the newest blog post! Things have been crazy busy on our end. We are gearing up to move back to Louisiana at the end of this month and if you've ever had to pack up and go with a child, you know how stressful life can be! Despite some of our recent anxieties, we have managed to break away and have some fun while we are still here!
Amelia is 11 months and 2 weeks old now! Crazy, I know! Her birthday is quickly approaching and my mind is constantly juggling around different ideas to make her day extra special! All the baby books and magazines say to keep your child's first birthday small and simple! HA...well...I'm pretty sure half of our church congregation will be in attendance to this grand affair! Amelia is a church baby and everybody LOVES Amelia! It's a good thing I rented out the kids park!

Amelia is getting so big and it amazes me how smart she is! She is pulling up on furniture and cruising around. She loves to watch Dora, The wonder pets, Baby Einstein, and Sesame Street....and she actually laughs when they do something funny! It's so cute! She scoots all over the place and her newest accomplishment is pulling herself up to a sitting position from lying on her stomach!!! Now, we are just waiting for her first steps!

She is doing well with feeding herself and loves to eat french fries, strawberries, any kind of bread, and CHEETOS!! I know....what a healthy appetite! She takes after her daddy in that category!

She has also mastered the task of waving "bye-bye" and blowing kisses!

A couple weekends ago we took Amelia to the pool for the first time and she loved it!! Just take a look for yourself!

The water was freezing that day! But she didn't seem to mind a bit! Ah, you gotta love her!