Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Labor and Delivery Class - Part 2

Well it wasn't as bad as what they made it out to be. The video was fine and I think I'm going to make it. If I can watch 4 women give birth, I think I'm going to make it through Christina's time. I wish I could have taken pictures of all of the guys in the class. The tense, uneasy look that they had. I do admit this was me at different times in the video. The teacher told all of the guys to eat a good meal and drink a coke to keep from passing out. When I tell you as all of the guys entered the room, they all had a coke in their hand. I tell you it is quite amazing to see the birth of a child. It's like, how do they get out of there. It's really neat to see the amazing process in which a baby is born. Next week we get to tour the labor and delivery part of the hospital. I can't wait for that. It'll be a lot of fun, more fun than watching other women give birth.

I'm also posting the most recent picture of Christina. This was taken at the beach and she is a little over 34 weeks in the picture. We go to the doctor on Friday for week 35 check-up. We will be sure to keep you posted on how things are going, until then hope you are having a good day. Talk to you soon.